Thursday, June 11, 2009

Upcoming Photography Project: Creative Highways 2009!


(posted by Larissa)

We have a wonderful trip on the horizon! Starting on June 28, we will be packing up our Honda Fit and driving from Mercersburg, Pennsylvania to the Oregon Coast in 5 days, followed by several weeks of touring through Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Colorado, and many points in between. From 2001-2003, Ryan and I lived in Moscow, Idaho, so this is our chance to return to one of our hometowns with our dog in tow (she was born and adopted out there), as well as explore some of our favorite haunts and new vistas along the way.

Though a personal trip in its majority (this was going to be our honeymoon 3 years ago, but we went to Maine instead), we will be using this opportunity for business purposes as well. Ryan is very excited to get back out to the Wild West and take photographs of all the wonderful things we'll see along the way.

The simple nature of driving across the country will allow us to step away from our daily logistics and focus on a few small tasks each day: drive, stop, take pictures, explore, drive, stop, camp, get up, drive, stop, etc. Our creativity will be re-energized as the artifacts of Americana and open highways of this land unfold before us. Some we have seen before during our many trips across the country while we lived in Idaho and Texas, and many we will look at with new eyes. Others will be new to us, but all will be stimulus for our creativity. Whether as inspiration for a new collection of photographs, or some new songs for Larissa's band, we are so excited to be able to spend four weeks outside our office, home, and town, and get out and explore our beautiful country.

We plan to document our trip on this blog, as well as Larissa's personal weblog, Good Life Project. We hope you will check back periodically to watch our progress and see some of the beautiful photographs Ryan will be taking.

We're making our travel itinerary now, so we'll keep you posted as things develop.

Happy shooting, and may your summer travels be gleeful and creative!

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1 Response to Upcoming Photography Project: Creative Highways 2009!

June 12, 2009 at 1:04 PM

Oh man!....sounds like a wonderful experience! Hope you guys have an amazing time!

Looking forward to the stories...

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